Large farms and agroholdings

Large agricultural enterprises and agricultural holdings need highly efficient and highly productive equipment for successful farming. Especially for such large farms, the agricultural machinery factory, together with a German partner, has designed, tested and successfully produces agricultural machinery with increased productivity. However, sometimes the equipment recommended for medium-sized agricultural enterprises is also suitable for solving some local problems. Learn more about agricultural machinery recommended by us and research centers and institutes for large farms.

Choose agricultural machines that are ideal for your agricultural enterprise or agricultural holding.

In the transition to effective agriculture, agricultural companies are faced with complex complex tasks. Their solution requires different competencies and experience. That is why, one of the priority areas of our company is building long-term partnerships that allow us to provide our clients with the most comprehensive and high-quality solutions.

One of the most important problems in the production of grain is its post-harvest processing. In many countries, up to 40% of the grain cost structure is accounted for by post-harvest processing, and labor costs reach 50% of total costs.

The best models of machines for large farms and agro-holdings
grain handler PZM-170P, picture

Portable grain handler
with hopper and
conveyor PZM-170P

An ideal high-performance mobile grain handler with a hopper and conveyor for receiving and quickly reloading grain, granules, pellets and other bulk cargo at a grain cleaning complex, in a port, on a railway or anywhere else.

Self-propelled grain loader
with innovative hopper PZM-120B2

The PZM-120B2 grain loader has an innovative design hopper with a width and volume that changes in 2 minutes. It is very convenient when operating and transporting the PZM-120B2 grain loader.

Grain loading system for containers and wagons ZZ-120

Grain and pellet container loader ZZ-120

Grain loader in wagons and containers ZZ-120 loads any kind of grain, granules, pellets, sunflower meal, etc. with a capacity of up to 120 tons per hour.

Self-propelled grain auger
loader with scraper
feeders PZM-60

The PZM-60 grain auger loader with scraper feeders, unlike a conventional auger, moves independently and loads itself with grain. The capacity, direction and height of grain loading are easily adjustable.

complex for cleaning,
drying and loading
grain OBC-70M4

OBC-70M4 is a self-propelled complex for cleaning, drying, loading and folding grain. Consists of a powerful grain cleaning machine and a grain thrower. In addition, it is equipped with an auger for removing impurities separated by sieves.

PZM-170B grain loader
with a large hopper

The self-propelled grain loader PZM-170B has a large hopper, which is wider than the width of the trailer or truck body. Quickly reloads grain, loads grain silos, hangars, trucks, wagons and trailers.

Self-propelled grain
cleaning machine, grain
thrower and grain loader

OBC-70M4L is a self-propelled high-performance hybrid of a grain cleaning machine, a grain thrower and a grain loader. OBC-70M4L has an additional screw conveyor that unloads impurities separated by sieves into a single waste pile.

Mobile grain cleaning machine OBC-355CMA with loading system

Mobile grain cleaning machine
with a loading auger
and a cyclone OBC-355CMA

The universal mobile grain cleaner OVS-355C cleans any grain and makes it possible to get the highest quality seeds from it. This grain cleaner has over 50 different applications.

Drum separator of seeds with cyclone OBC-355C

Universal separator
of grain and seeds
with cyclone OBC-355C

The OBC-355C is the most versatile drum separator for cleaning any grain and seed, additionally equipped with a cyclone.

OBC-25CB self-propelled
grain cleaning machine
with cyclone and hopper

Has a cyclone that catches
dust and light impurities and the hopper
into which loading grain

Trailed four-wheel
fertilizer spreader

Has a four-wheeled trolley
due to which it remains in balance,
precisely fertilizes and
less compacts the soil

Air separator for grain

and seeds AS-60

It is used for cleaning grain from dust and light fractions.

ОВС-25D  has
additional sieve,
which allows you to split
heap of grain for 4 fractions

In ОВС-25D, cleaning is performed not on 8, but on 9 sieves, which allows for better separation of clean grain and impurities.

OBC-25M self-mobile  

cleaner of grain heap upgraded

Additionally, a bumper, 2 headlights, a remote control and a control panel with a voltage of 24 volts are installed.

Universal multifunctional
grain cleaning machine

ОВС-355  is used for high-quality cleaning and accurate calibration of any grain and other products.

Self-propelled grain cleaner

OBC-25L with extended elevator

The OBC-25L grain cleaner has an extended unloading elevator, which allows you to load grain into vehicles up to 3 meters high.

Self-mobile cleaner of heap grain

thrower ОВС-70М3

Highly efficient self-propelled complex for cleaning, drying and loading or reloading grain. It has an additional system for cleaning grain on sieves, which allows to achieve high quality cleaning.

grain cleaner OBC-25
with auger loaders

ОВС-25 with screw feeders is ideal for cleaning grain on flat areas and warehouses.

Grain pre-cleaning machine

The MPO-50M machine is installed permanently as part of grain cleaning complexes and allows you to quickly clean any heavily clogged grain of any moisture content

Powerful grain thrower PZM-170

The most powerful grain thrower for quick loading of grain into any transport, loading and unloading warehouses, grain transfer.

Grain thrower PZM-120M

The grain thrower PZM-120M is an ideal machine for quick loading of grain into any transport.

OBC-25C self-propelled

grain cleaning machine with cyclone

The grain cleaner OBC-25C additionally has a cyclone, which cleans the air from dust and light impurities

Grain cleaning

machine 3ВС-20А

3BC-20A is installed permanently as part of grain cleaning or grain drying complexes or as an independent grain cleaning machine.

OBC-25CC stationary

grain cleaner

with a cyclone

Stationary grain cleaning machine with integrated cyclone

grain cleaner

ОВС- 25S stationary grain cleaning machine with sieves, suction system and brushes

Trailed fertilizer spreader
 BIM GKE10000

The best solution for large farms and cooperatives