Medium-sized farms
Farmers and agricultural enterprises face complex challenges. One of the most important tasks is the correct choice of agricultural machinery and technology. Solving this problem requires different competencies and experience. The advent of new technologies and new models of agricultural machinery can lead to obsolescence of existing equipment and the need to use more efficient equipment to improve economic performance. The innovative machines of our production change and improve the technology of grain processing, provide accurate fertilizer application and give you excellent opportunities to increase the efficiency and profitability of your business.
That is why the priority areas of our factory are:
- production of innovative highly efficient agricultural machinery, which allows optimizing the technology of crop processing and improving profitability;
- building long-term partnerships that allow us to provide customers with the most comprehensive and high-quality solutions.
How to choose the right agricultural machinery, you can read in our article.
The main thing is that the choice of agricultural machinery should be based on the characteristics of each individual farm or agricultural enterprise.
One of the main characteristics is the size of the sown area. Based on this, we conditionally divided agricultural producers into three categories and offer turnkey solutions for small, medium, large farms and agricultural holdings. At the same time, we offer alternative options and the final choice is yours. For example, for post-harvest processing, both mobile and stationary machines can be used. Sometimes it is advisable to use both mobile and stationary machines. The technique of our production is recommended for use by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. You can also get advice from us or our partners and make the best choice.