The innovative agricultural machinery of our production is recognized in many countries of the world, as well as by USAID and the UN. In October 2023, the agricultural machinery plant successfully delivered 3 innovative PZM-120B2 grain throwers with a hopper produced by us for the USAID project.

We are an accredited supplier of agricultural machinery of our own production for FAO, USAID and the UN. In October 2023, the agricultural machinery plant successfully supplied our innovative grain throwers with a PZM-120B2 hopper for the USAID project.
The grain throwers of the agricultural machinery plant have an innovative, reliable design, are certified according to European Union standards and are the most effective equipment for quickly loading and transferring any grain, pellets, granules, meal into any transport and storing grain in heaps up to 9 meters high. Delivery to any country in the world (except for countries under sanctions).