Our equipment - the OBC-25C self-propelled grain cleaning machine and the PZM-120M grain thrower were successfully demonstrated at the largest international agricultural exhibition in the Baltic countries "Ką pasėsi 2024" in Lithuania.

The OBC-25C self-propelled grain cleaning machine and the PZM-120M grain thrower were successfully demonstrated at the largest international agricultural exhibition in the Baltic countries "Ką pasėsi 2024" in Lithuania. The exhibition took place in the city of Kaunas from March 21 to March 23, 2024. All visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the advantages of agricultural machinery of our production. We thank our dealer in Lithuania, GALUOTAS, for their active participation in the exhibition.
Learn more about the benefits of our innovative self-propelled and mobile grain cleaning, loading, moving and shipping machines on this website.