The factory of agricultural machines became the finalist of the competition for innovative products, the best technical solutions in the sphere of green economy "Green Impulse. Green Chamber Award" and was awarded a certificate. We are the only plant in Ukraine that received this award.
The factory of agricultural machines became the finalist of the competition for innovative products, the best technical solutions in the sphere of green economy "Green Impulse. Green Chamber Award" and was awarded a certificate.
This competition was held within the framework of the Green Chamber Initiative for Sustainable Development project with the support of the program of assistance to the green modernization of the Ukrainian economy, which is being implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Government of Germany.
We are the only plant in Ukraine, the development of which was allowed to participate in this prestigious international competition.
It is a reward for the production of new innovative mobile complexes of the OVS-70M series. The use of these complexes makes it possible to produce highly effective post-harvest processing of cereals, legumes and oilseeds. At the same time, processing costs are reduced by at least 3 times, fuel and electricity consumption is reduced, there are no emissions of dust and other light substances into the environment, which positively affects the ecology and health of maintenance personnel.