The mobile hopper with conveyor PZM-220 is designed for quick transfer of any grain, granules, pellets from trucks, trailers and other vehicles to any loaders, ships in the port, on the railway or in any other place. It can also be used as a mobile pit as part of grain cleaning complexes or for reloading grain from grain trucks into other transport equipment and big bags in grain warehouses, etc. For more details on how to use the PZM-220 mobile hopper, see the “Operation diagram” section on this website page.
The productivity of a mobile hopper with a PZM-220 conveyor depends on the type of grain or other bulk cargo and reaches 220 tons per hour. Electricity consumption for reloading 1 ton of grain is only 35 W. The mobile grain hopper PZM-220 can be additionally equipped with a chute rotating in different directions and rising up and down. Thanks to this chute, the range of grain transshipment can be significantly increased, which is especially important when transshipping grain at ports.
The design of the mobile grain hopper with the PZM-220 conveyor also includes:
- 2 height-adjustable floodlights directed forward and backward, which allows you to reload grain even at night;
- an awning that completely covers the hopper of the PZM-220 grain reloader and protects it from foreign objects and moisture;
- a grid that prevents large objects from getting into the hopper of the reloader and into the grain being reloaded;
- additional height-adjustable wheels, a jack and a tow hitch, which make it easy to move the PZM-220.
The use of the PZM-220 mobile hopper allows you to speed up and make more efficient the process of loading ships, barges, wagons, silos, etc. several times and has a lot of other advantages, more details about which can be found in the “Advantages” section on this page of the site.
The combination of a reliable innovative design, high productivity, minimal power consumption, a host of other advantages and an excellent price for a mobile grain hopper with conveyor PZM-220 leads to the fact that it pays for itself very quickly and works successfully to the delight of its owner.
Hopper type | mobile |
Performance, tons per hour | up to 220 |
Grain loading height, m | up to 2,2 (adjustable) |
Width in working position, m | 3 |
Width in transport position, m | 2,05 |
Height, m | 2,83 |
Length, m | 5,39 |
Ground clearance, m | 0,25 |
Type of drive | electric |
Capacity, kWt | 7,5 |
Electricity consumption, kWh per t | 0,034 |
Lighting | 2 spotlights |
Weight, kg | 990 |
Methods of using a mobile hopper with conveyor PZM-220 :
- The mobile hopper PZM-220 is installed in the port directly on the pier near the moored vessel with a loading conveyor to the vessel. The hopper of the PZM-220 grain reloader is located in the opposite direction and receives grain, granules, pellets and other bulk cargo from any transport. In this case, the side of the vessel must be located below the top of the PZM-220 loading elevator.
- If the ship is located at a considerable distance from the pier, a PZM-120B2 grain thrower with an innovative bunker or a grain belt loader together with a PZM-220 mobile hopper can be used. In this case, the PZM-220 is installed so that its hopper is located directly towards the approaching vehicle, and the top of its loading conveyor is located above the hopper or loader belt.
- Depending on the performance of existing equipment, the number of PZM-220 mobile grain hoppers working together with it may vary and they can be installed “chamomile”. For example, the productivity of a grain belt loader is 600 tons per hour and it has 1 receiving hopper into which grain is loaded from 1 grain carrier. The productivity of this loader is limited by the number of grain trucks that pour grain into its hopper and usually does not exceed 200 tons per hour. To increase productivity by 3 times, two PZM-220 mobile hoppers are installed on the sides of the port loader. As a result, the loading of grain into the vessel increases to 600 tons per hour and the port belt loader operates at full capacity.
- The mobile hopper with conveyor PZM-220 can also be used as a mobile pit as part of grain cleaning complexes or for reloading grain from grain carriers into other transport equipment in grain warehouses, ports, etc.
- During operation, the productivity of PZM-220 can be adjusted by changing the position of the dosing valve located in its hopper.
- The mobile hopper PZM-220 can be additionally equipped with a chute rotating in different directions and rising up and down. Thanks to this chute, the range of grain transshipment can be significantly increased, which is especially important when transshipping grain at ports.
Mobile grain hopper with conveyor PZM-220 - main advantages:
- This is the simplest and cheapest way to quickly transship grain into ships, barges, etc. directly from the grain carrier.
- Versatility - can handle grain, seeds, granules, pellets, meal and other bulk cargo.
- The mobile hopper can be perfectly combined with any loaders and ensures a continuous loading process.
- Thanks to the use of PZM-220, the speed of loading grain into ships, barges, wagons, silos, etc. increases several times, and the process itself is also simplified several times.
- Quick payback, including by reducing the downtime of trucks and other vehicles in line for unloading and reducing overall energy consumption due to the operation of existing equipment at full capacity and eliminating downtime.
- Economical - power consumption for reloading 1 ton of grain or other cargo is only 0.035 kW.
- The grain loading speed can be adjusted and coordinated with the operating speed of other equipment.
- High productivity - up to 220 tons per hour, depending on the type of loaded grain, granules or pellets and the technology of using the PZM-220 mobile hopper.
- Innovative, simple and reliable design using high-quality components from the world's best manufacturers.
- Possibility of installing a frequency converter for careful reloading of a small amount of seeds or fertilizers.
- The presence of an awning that completely covers the PZM-220 hopper and protects it from foreign objects and moisture.
- The presence of a grid that prevents large objects from getting into the hopper and into the overloaded grain.
- The presence of 2 headlights - spotlights with adjustable tilt forward and backward, which allows you to reload grain at night or in conditions of poor visibility.
- The mobile hopper with conveyor PZM-220 has additional height-adjustable wheels, a jack and a tow hitch, which allow it to be easily moved.
- Easy access to working units, simple and convenient operation and maintenance.
- Overload prevention system.
- To control the PZM-220 mobile grain hopper, 1 person is enough, who is trained in 1 hour.

Video of how grain is loaded into a vessel
using a PZM-220 loader