OBC-25C self-propelled

grain cleaning machine with cyclone

Self-propelled grain cleaner
with sieves, aspiration and cyclone

  OBC-25C self-propelled grain cleaning machine with a cyclone is the latest innovative development of the agricultural machinery factory, protected by patents. On OBC-25C, unlike other models of OBC-25 grain cleaning machines, instead of a dust separator and pneumatic conveyor, a cyclone is installed. The installation of a cyclone on the OBC-25C made it possible to eliminate dust and light waste emissions into the surrounding space. Dust and light waste are now unloaded in a bag, which is mounted on a cyclone and a special stand. As a result, grain workers can work without respirators, and dust and light impurities do not settle on already cleaned grain, equipment and the surrounding area.

  The cyclone capacity of the OBC-25C self-propelled grain cleaning machine is regulated depending on the type of grain and its weediness.

  OBC-25C independently rides and loads itself with grain without the help of other mechanisms or personnel. Loading is carried out by a chain elevator, which is located in front of the OBC-25C and picks up grain at a width of 5.3 meters (see video). Grain cleaning in OBC-25C is carried out both as an adjustable air flow and on sieves, which allows to obtain high quality cleaning. The sieves are automatically cleaned by the brushes integrated in the OBC-25C.

  OBC-25C with a cyclone of our plant has the highest quality and safety, is certified according to the technical standards of the European Union, the Customs Union and Ukraine.

  For the production of new innovative OBC-25C machines, the agricultural machinery factory was awarded the certificate of the international competition for innovative products, the best technical solutions in the field of green economy, Green Impulse Green Chamber Award. This competition was held within the framework of the Green Chamber. Sustainable Development Initiative project with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH program for promoting the green modernization of the Ukrainian economy.

   OBC-25C with a cyclone produced by an agricultural machine factory is the best self-propelled technique for high-quality and high-performance cleaning of grain, heap, cereals, legumes, oilseeds, corn, sorghum, sunflower, rape from impurities in open areas and in warehouses.

   You can also choose the model of the OBC-25C grain cleaning machine with an extended elevator, frequency converter, remote control, lighting, bumper, hopper, screw loader.

  In combination with high ergonomic characteristics, quality and ease of maintenance, lack of dust, OBC-25C is an ideal machine for cleaning grain.

Aspiration dustextractor cyclon
Performance, tons per hour up to 25
Capacity, kWt 8.95
Mass, kg 1927
Electricity consumption kWt/hour per 1 t 0.36
Height, mm 3300
Length, mm 4800
Grain pick-up width, mm 5300
The number of installed sieves, pieces 8

Advantages of the OBC-25C grain cleaning machine with cyclone:

  •  there are no emissions of dust and light impurities - they are captured by the cyclone and unloaded into the bag;
  • people can be near the OBC-25C and breathe clean air without dust;
  • dust and light impurities no longer settle on refined grain, people, equipment and the surrounding area.

The use of self-propelled grain cleaning machines is several times more cost effective, compared with the use of fixed grain cleaning complexes because:

• the entire procedure of harvest handling is eased - there is no need to design and build fixedcomplexes, construct approaching lines to them, maintain additional transport vehicles, loadingmachinery, and personnel

• when using self-propelled grain cleaning machines, the cleaning is carried out directly in the grain warehouse, and in this connection, there is no need for transportation of the grain back and forward to the warehouse, and therefore reducing costs for loading, transportation and unloading

• self-propelled grain cleaning machines move along the warehouse by themselves and load themselves with unclean grain without the help of other machinery or people

• self-propelled grain cleaning machines can load grain into a truck or a trailer without the help of grain throwers, loaders, grain elevators, and other machinery

• the capacity of our self-propelled grain cleaning and sorting machines is high; it reaches up to 25 tons per hour, which makes it possible to quickly clean a large amount of grain.

Self-propelled grain cleaning machines are used to clean of impurities ear-forming, cereal, leguminouscrops, sorghum, sunflower, corn, flax, and oil seed rape. They may be used both indoors and outdoors of grain bins. They perform high-quality cleaning due to the use of screens, brushes, and regulated airflow.

The additional advantage of grain cleaning machines lies in the opportunity to dry grain simultaneouslywith its cleaning.

The use of self-propelled grain cleaning and sorting machine will be especially convenient for the farm enterprises having some grain warehouses or agricultural cooperatives.

Watch  the  video  how  OBC-25C  works

Watch  the  video  how  the grain  cleaner  works

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