Self-mobile cleaner of heap grain thrower

ОВС-70М and ОВС-70М2

ОВС-70M and ОВС-70M2 perform the functions
self-propelled grain cleaning machine
and a grain thrower.

For the first time, we combined in a single self-propelled machine of the ОВС-70M type a powerful aspiration system, a grain cleaner, a grain thrower and a system for collecting dust and light impurities. As a result, we completely changed the technology of receiving, cleaning, drying and shipping grain for transportation or storage, making it easier and cheaper. These machines are very practical and easy to operate, safe and easy to operate, have the highest quality and reliability.

The self-propelled heap cleaner ОВС-70M and ОВС-70M2 performs the following functions:

  • Cleaning of any legumes, ears, cereals, corn, sunflower, rape, sorghum, etc.
  • Loading refined grain in vehicles. Available board height up to 4.5 m.
  • Mechanical shoveling (rearrangement). It is carried out both in open areas and in grain warehouses. At the same time, grain is cleaned and dried.

Watch the feature video ОВС-70М

Electric power consumption kW / h per 1 ton of grain 0,245
Number of operators for control 1
Type of vehicle self-propelled
Productivity, tone per hour up to 70
Grain loading height, meters up to 9
Grain heap fence width, meters 5-6
Type of drive electric
Power consumption, kW 18,35
Range of flight of grain, meters up to 25 (adjustable)
Trimmer rotation angle, degrees 257
Height in working position, meters 3,48- 4,5 (adjustable)
Mass,kg 2540
Lighting 4 lights

Let's consider how the ОВС-70M and ОВС-70М2:

  1. From a heap of grain through the loading elevator enters the receiving chamber, from which it enters the mesh conveyor in a uniform layer.
  2. A pile of grain passes through a mesh conveyor, separating from large impurities. The size of the conveyor cell is from 4 to 19 mm.
  3. Large impurities through the conveyor are removed from the machine to the left and to the right in the direction of travel of machine the ОВС-70М or ОВС-70М2.
  4. The grain material containing light impurities, after the conveyor, enters the distributor, which separates the outgoing grain flow from light impurities in order to improve the cleaning of the grain material in the pneumatic separation channel. The air stream created by the fan passes through the grain stream, collecting light impurities.​
  5. In the sedimentation chamber, light impurities are separated from the air flow due to centrifugal force. Clean air again enters the fan, and light impurities are removed by a screw from the machine to the right in the direction of travel of the OVS-70M or OVS-70M2.
  6. After the pneumatic separation channel, the cleaned grain is fed to the trimmer using a conveyor.
  7. The grain material that has fallen onto the trimmer tape accelerates and flies out of the machine through the trimmer pipe.
  8. The OVS-70M or OVS-70M2 operator can change the direction of grain flight by turning the trimmer through an angle of up to 257 degrees, i.e. to store or load refined grain into vehicles both from the rear and from the side, and even almost in front of the OVS-70M3. Purified grain can be stored or loaded to a height of up to 9 meters and a range of up to 25 meters. 
  • For the first time we combined in one self-propelled machine a powerful pneumatic separation system, a grain cleaner, a grain loader, a grain thrower and a system for collecting dust and light impurities. As a result, we created high-performance self-propelled machines with a complete technological cycle of processing grain material - acceptance, cleaning, drying and shipment of grain for transportation or storage.
  • The technical features of our machines make it possible to reduce the dependence of the safety of the harvested grain on weather conditions due to the quick cleaning of the heap of high humidity with simultaneous drying, loading into vehicles or the formation heaps for storage.
  • Eliminated emissions of dust and light impurities in the environment, which positively affected the ecology and health of workers. Dust and light impurities are captured and can be used - to feed poultry or animals, sent to the manufacture of fuel pellets, fertilizers.
  • The process of moving grain from the warehouse to the stationary grain cleaning complex and vice versa is excluded; accordingly, there are no expenses for loading, transportation, unloading, reloading, transportation and unloading, and in case of shipment of grain to the buyer right after processing, also for loading grain into the buyer's grain carrier.
  • The whole process of crop processing has been simplified - there is no need to design and build stationary complexes, make access roads to them, contain additional transport, loading equipment and personnel.
  • Great productivity and minimal power consumption - 0.25 kWh per 1 ton of grain.
  • All of the above, combined with a low price, allows you to process grain as quickly as possible on our machines with minimal cost.
The traditional scheme of post-harvest processing and shipment of grain

Harvester uploads

grain carrier

Grain machines loaded

with unrefined grain


Grain thrower (grain loader)

Grain machines loaded

with unrefined grain

Stationary grain cleaning complex

with receiving bunker and noriya

Grain carrier loaded

with refined grain


Grain thrower (grain loader)

Grain carrier loaded

with refined grain

A new post-harvest treatment scheme using ОВС-70M mobile complexes of all models

Harvester uploads

grain carrier

Grain machine loaded

with unrefined grain


Self-mobile cleaner of heap

grain thrower ОВС-70М

Grain carrier loaded

with refined grain

ОВС-70M and ОВС-70M2 self-propelled grain cleaning complexes are designed for the performance of the following technological operations

  Cleaning and drying grain heaps with the formation of collars from heaps of grain, unloaded at sites or in the warehouse during the transportation of grain from the combine

Fast loading and unloading of grain stores with simultaneous cleaning and drying of grain

Simultaneous cleaning, drying and loading of grain in any transport, big run

Mechanical shoveling (rearrangement) of grain in open areas and in grain stores

To reduce the time
the working process
No need to spend a lot of time on the process
harvesting and shipment of grain.
Innovative plant technology saves 40%
time spent on grain processing.
Quick payback 
Achieved through great efficiency,
minimum processing cost
grain, state compensation of expenses
for purchase and superior quality.
Only one mobile car needed
for a full grain processing cycle
One innovative mobile machine replaces
the whole complex post-harvest machines
grain processing.

Self-mobile cleaner of heap grain thrower ОВС-70M2 - an improved model  ОВС-70M grain thrower. ОВС-70M2 differs from ОВС-70M in the presence of an additional motor gearbox and an advanced remote control for turning ОВС-70M2 when moving. This facilitates the control of the ОВС-70M2 and allows you to easily change the direction of movement of the machine without the use of physical force. In OVS-70M2 there is alsomanual steering as on ОВС-70M (for manual control of ОВС-70M2 if necessary).
ОВС-70M2 cleans the grain of large impurities (larger than grain) on the mesh conveyor and light (lighter than a whole grain) impurities using an adjustable aspiration system, and also makes a rearrangement or loading of grain into vehicles. ОВС-70M2 combines the advantages of a self-propelled grain cleaning machine and a grain thrower.

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Diploma of the international agro-industrial exhibition AGROEXPO-2021. The exhibition was organized by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food together with the Ministry of Economy.

Diploma of the international agro-industrial exhibition AGROEXPO-2020, photo

Diploma of the international agro-industrial exhibition AGROEXPO-2020. The exhibition was organized by the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture in cooperation with

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Watch a video of wheat cleaning on ОВС-70М2

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